So pesmi, ki imajo svoj pomen v besedilih jasno podan, izražen. To ponavadi izpade poceni, cheesy ali pač oboje. Prave mojstrovine so večinoma tiste, ki poanto podajo na malce prikrit način. To je lepo, saj posamezniku dopušča možnost interpretacije - pa vendar se za besedilom običajno skriva neka bolj ali manj resnična zgodba. Te pa včasih najbrž ne želimo poznati. Okkervil River, Black.
I'm coming into your town
Night is falling to the ground
But I can still see where you loved yourself before he tore it all down
April 12th, with nobody else around
You were outside the house; where's your mother?
When he put you in the car
When he took you down the road
And I can still see where it was open, the door he slammed closed
It was open, the door he slammed closed
It was open, long ago
Zgornji posnetek, mimogrede, izvira iz lanskega Haldern Pop festivala, ki je 25. obletnico slavil z zmagoslavnim line-upom. Celoten TV posnetek koncerta si lahko ogledate v obliki Youtube playliste tukaj.
1 komentar:
<3 I hope we're not a year late...
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