sobota, 4. april 2009

Maxïmo Park: preteklost in sedanjost

Maxïmo Park so na Youtube danes lansirali video za svoj nov singl, uvodno pesem prihajajočega albuma Quicken the Heart: The Kids Are Sick Again. Pevec Paul Smith je v spremljevalnem newsletteru o videu povedal naslednje:

Here's our new video. It starts off dark but there are unique LED lights that illuminate each section. We used special effects that make us look a bit Max Headroom.

If you've never heard of Max Headroom go to your nearest search engine, but not before you've watched this video!

Zanimiv izbor, glede na to, da gre za dokaj zadržan komad, ki se v svojo pop podobo odpre šele proti koncu - podobno kot nekoč I Want You to Stay - in bi se morda bolje znašel v osrčju kot na štartu albuma. Sporočilno nekje pod površino najbrž dokaj močno, a vseeno na prvo poslušanje nekako medlo pesem spremlja nič-kaj-posebnega video, v katerem Smith za povrh izgleda kot psiho, ki stvari jemlje bistveno preveč resno. Popolno nasprotje prijaznega in odprtega lika, kot se je pokazal v backstageu ob ljubljanskem koncertu. Takrat je ta pesem tudi zvenela precej bolj neposredno, skupaj s preostalim novim materialom, ki je takoj dal odličen vtis. Koncertna izkušnja pač nudi tudi ogromno subjektivno dojete, evforične energije - a kljub temu na podlagi slišanega verjamem, da bo album kot celota več kot zadovoljiv. Zanima pa me, ali skozi celotno dolžino plošče ohranjajo tako netipično temačen, sintetičen zvok.

Vtise s koncerta kakor tudi dele intervjuja s Smithom lahko preberete [shameless propaganda] v marčevski številki RSQ [/shameless propaganda], tukaj pa objavljam še nekaj utrinkov s pogovora, ki je potekal približno takole:

Jaz: postavin eno-/dvostavčno vprašanje.
Paul Smith: pet minut govori o vseh mogočih, bližnje in daljno povezanih stvareh.
In tako naprej.

Predvidljivo o vplivu producenta:
Don't tell our producers! – we always feel like we're co-producing in a way, cause we have a very strong idea of what we want to achieve in the studio. [...] You don't know at the time, cause you're collaborating. We're listening, our ears are open. In some way, the producer becomes the sixth member of the band. And we talk about arrangements, you know, "should we chop this bit out", and we need somebody sometimes to just say "yeah!".

O Grinderman (producent: Nick Launay, zadolžen tudi za Quicken the Heart):
The Grinderman record has this raw aspect, but it's still accessable. It's not avantgarde, it's still fun, it's still enjoyable to listen to, and I think that's what we wanted for this record.

O tem, katere "nove agleške skupine" si zaslužijo pozornost in katere ne:
That is not for me to say. People should make their own opinions about things. I've read too many interviews where some guy in a band slacks somebody else off and that's all you remember. I want to be remembered for making decent music and I hopefully illuminate that when I talk. But you know, I trust people, I trust the audience and listener to make their decision. [...] You see people on TV and hear them singing in American accent when they're from London. I think there's a lot of bands that just sound the same and it's up to people to make that call, I guess.

O resnosti svoje glasbe:
With our music, I hope people know that we're not joking around. You know, there's fun in our music, but we take it seriously. We feel responsible to our audience in some small way. We feel responsible to ourselves to make good music, and the pressure is eternal on us.

O tem, zakaj biti dober (človek) v vsem, kar počneš:
Whatever job I was doing – and I don't see this as much as a job – but any job that I was doing, I just want to fell like I'm doing something worthwhile. Like I used to teach older people – pensionists – art and design and I didn't love it, it's not what I wanted to do, but at least I thought: "these people go home at the end of the day, I helped them, I've done something alrigt."

O novi pesmi "I Haven't Seen Her in Ages"
There's another song on the album called I Haven't Seen Her in Ages, which on one level is very basic: it's about not seeing somebody for a while, [...] but one of the lines is "time is overrated, momentum carries me". It's a comment on how much emphasis people put on time, they measure their life by things. It's like "I'm gonna do this before I'm 25" and you think "but what if you dont do that? What happens then?" You shouldn't set yourself that sort of target, you know. Life carries you along at its own pace. It's the same topic Our Velocity was about, you know.

O povezanosti z oboževalci, npr. preko Twittra:
Twitter, for example, is just writing something spontaneous off the top of your head that lets people on the inside, but not too much. I think we always tried to balance that. [...] People can think what they like about me. That would be interesting to know - what people thought - but it could destroy you as well. So we just do what we think is enough. I don't want to spend the rest of my life on the internet, connceting with other people. But I do want to put something into it and make sure that it's good. Cause I don't wanna rip people off or give them something that's wasting their time.

O tem, kakšnen material je skrit v njegovi skrivnostni beležki:
I've written a short story for a charity in England called the Teenage Cancer Trust, and some of that comes up in my booklet, and some of that I just typed up. There's so much in it, a little rubbish, then bits I think that are good, diamonds in the rough, if you like. And those are things I feel like sharing with people, but a lot of it is just letting your feelings out. And I like that - when we can put those spontaneous things into our music, and we'll always be spontaneous, but it's also about craft. I like to work on the lyrics over and over again. But some of them never change from that instant feeling when you feel mad or happy and you write it down. The notebook may come out on stage tonigh, If we play Once, a Glimpse, cause it's got the words in it. I never learned it (pomenljiv nasmeh).

O svoji umetniški prihodnosti:
I might make a record myself that isn't very Maxïmo Park. I might release a spoken word album on a small label. I don't have any barriers, I just want to stay creative. Now that we've done three albums in a run - album, tour, album, tour, album, tour - for me, I don't know what's gonna happen now. Cause I don't wanna be stuck in a cycle, I just wanna be a creative person and live my life in some sort of freedom.

2 komentarja:

david santos pravi ...

Really great work and very nice video. Happy day!

bleach nine pravi ...

men je pa psiho paul kar všeč... dopolnitev tistga paula, ki smo ga spoznal na metelkovi :)
sicer sem pa še malo neodločena in pridno čakam na izid albuma